To keep the quality of service at a high level for our community of taxpayers, DO NOT schedule an appointment if you have not uploaded all your pertinent tax documents.
Non-Negotiable: Submit the completed tax documents checklist
Use our document checklist here.
Mark off all the documents you have or will have received and information that pertains to your tax return.
Submit the list with all the items marked through your personal client login. That will help us follow up on anything we think you may be missing.
If you decide NOT to follow this specific instruction, our team will give you a courtesy of 24 hours to upload your documents after the scheduling yourself. If documents are not uploaded in the time frame of 24 hours, the appointment is automatically canceled to make room for taxpayers who have everything ready for service.
You can schedule another time or work with our team to reschedule a time that is more convenient for you allowing you ample time to upload your documents.
It is the client's sole responsibility to collect all tax documents for upload. If you need substantial assistance in this process, we provide that service with or without request for a fee of $550 to help move things along during high traffic seasons. $550 fee is added to your final total invoice upon the completion of your tax return.
We retain the right to refuse service to repeat offenders of this policy.
Premium rate multipliers apply for all tax season or extended tax season appointments scheduled 14 business days prior to any deadline. Non-negotiable. The premium is used to compensate our staff appropriately for the rigorous demands and overtime worked during that timeline.
No call no show appointments and appointments canceled/changed within 24hrs of original appointment during this deadline period incurs a fee of $550 to cover for the time slot that was made unavailable for another client. When a client does not show up, we are still paying our staff for the hour. That responsibility falls on the client.
1. File an extension before the original tax return filing deadline. You can file that on your own for free using this IRS link: FILE EXTENSION
2. File an extension with our team. Our team will conveniently file your extension for you.
550 nonrefundable deposit due immediately upon extension request
325 is credit to the tax return filing invoice of the same extension year
225 goes to the extension service
3. Another good option is to file your tax return the month immediately after the original filing deadline as long as you do not believe to have a balance due to the IRS of over 1000 dollars. There are no penalties filing after the deadline under 1000 dollars of taxes owed.
4. Review the SAFE HARBOR RULES to see if you qualify for a waiver of estimated tax penalties.
Missing documents and missing information that requires additional correspondences from the original appointment are invoiced by the hour at 550 per hour as stated in our transparent fee schedule that you are required to consent to when booking your appointment. We have noticed many clients are not prepared for their original appointment even though we have concise instructions upon scheduling, proper tools, like our highly comprehensive checklist, expense spreadsheets on the checklist, and a solid team to make saving money and filing your taxes convenient.
When it takes us additional time and follow ups to finish a return with incomplete information, that could have been valuable time for another client. In the additional time spent together, we still pay a full team of staff their personal hourly to operate. So to answer your question in advance, yes, we invoice hourly for any additional discoveries and correspondences. We do not discount or negotiate our invoices. You’re not merely paying just for our time. You are paying for our expertise, 16 years of experience, serviced over 40,000 federal and state tax returns, the hundreds of hours of case studies and classes yearly, the research, interpretation of the IRS Sec. Codes, convenience, white glove assembly line we have finely tuned the past decade, and then some.
Your time and money is important to you, so it is important to us. We respect your time, therefore we invoice appropriately to give you the best service we are meant to provide, saving you the most money we possibly can and help you meticulously design the kind of tax savings you want to see in your future.